Monday, April 06, 2020

Friday and the weekend

We hit a tired wall on Friday.  I literally couldn’t keep my eyes open at a certain point and fell asleep on the couch for 20 -30 minutes.  Just what I needed to get through dinner and bedtime routines!  I love being at home, but the dreary and cold weather is wearing on me as much as the rest.  I love our afternoon walks, but maybe the boys and I need a little drive around just for something different!

The boys are happy not to have school work over the weekends!  They love their “FreeTime” to play and create and well, mellow out!  Got another delivery of local fruit and veg.  So I got to do some roasting.  I shouldn’t have eaten the potatoes however, as I wound up with a terrible migraine!  I have an eggplant in the frig that I so want to roast, but I don’t really want another migraine....  without being able to leave the house, I don’t have anyone to share it with either!

We always check on our pond to look for tadpoles and water newts.  The boys love it!  They have been rock collecting too.  They decided to make a zen garden on one of our walkways.  They took the pictures and I love their perspective!


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