Saturday, March 28, 2020

Quiet beginning on Friday - day 11

Woke up early again... can’t seem to sleep past 5 am these days.  Some days I have company, but not today.  Enjoying a cup of coffee and preparing a list as I need to go out shopping either today or tomorrow.... I also realized that this is day 11 for me, but the boys have 4 more days at home than I did since I had to work Friday the 13th and Monday the 16th...

We got out for a quick morning walk before settling down to work.  Wanted to get some work done early as Gianni had a trumpet lesson after lunch on Zoom, I had a team meeting, and I wanted to leave the house to see if I could get supplies...  the boys love to draw.  They worked on a joint project this morning where Enzo picked a picture from online, Gianni drew the outline and bones, then it got colored in.  Only a little frustration over their teamwork!

I only went to one store and the lack of distancing and safety didn’t sit right.  People were everywhere in the parking lot, and all over the store...  I couldn’t get everything we “needed” but I got a few things.  I am going to need some frozen vegetables and fresh fruit soon!  Luckily I have apples and oranges in the fridge, but they aren’t going to last.

After our meetings, I could feel tension rising in the house, so with a beautiful day outside, we headed out on the trails.  All the snow is gone now, but it is a bit muddy.  We always wear our boots and now spray for ticks.  Lots of tadpoles at the pond and the frogs are singing!
Boys got to FaceTime with one grandmother who is in FL.

Loves to bike ride

Finished a book too (the runaway king by Jennifer Nielsen) as well as blocking a project.  Spiced Pinch cowl and Drips hat.


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