Sunday, April 19, 2020

Sunny Sunday... finally!

Oh the weather has been awful lately... cold, windy, rainy, snowy, you name it!  Today the sun came out and oh man it was a gorgeous day!  We played outside most of the day.  The boys did a great job playing together after being short with each other inside the past few days.... they had free reign outside.  They played on both sides of the house, helped rake a new trail in our woods, caught (and released) pollywogs!  Boy were there some big ones!  I even noticed a turtle in our pond!  So excited to have a small turtle in our pond!  Hope to get a picture of two soon.  We have had a lot of visits at our pond this week.   A blue heron several days ago, ducks everyday, and a bald eagle in the sky today too.

I had three home cooked meals today.  Most days one meal is leftovers, but not today!  Husband made French toast for breakfast with farm fresh eggs and local syrup.  Then I tried out a new recipe for honey lime tofu.  Delish!  Then homemade pizza from scratch for dinner.... a good dessert would be asking too much!

Little one got a new set of paints in his Easter basket, so while the big boys raked the trail, this one decided to hang with me and try his new paints. 

I have been reading and knitting.. lots of hats actually.... 


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