Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter

We just spent the morning with my husband's family and little niece Gracie. We had a fun breakfast of homemade waffles and an egg hunt! She loved the little purple velvetspun bunny blanket I knit for her. It got ooohs and ahhhs from everyone! She opened it and kissed it right on the nose! So cute!

I have almost finished the christening dress. I bought more yarn, but it was the wrong dye lot, so I'll go back and see if there is any of the other dye lot underneath the new stuff. If not, I will use the new stuff for the edging and possibly the booties. I grabbed some ribbon and ribbon flowers and it will look beautiful when it is done! My sister thought it looked great so far.

Arriving in the mail yesterday was my Opal prize for being listed on the monthly newsletter! I am so excited to have another skein of Opal to play with. Thanks Soxie! Not sure what I will make but I have many patterns I am ready to try out!

It is called Masterpiece and it is red, white and blue. I can't wait to see how it knits up!

While housesitting I cast on for the 6SoxKAL sox for the month. SO far so good. I am using the yarn I just grabbed from the clearance rack at Target that came in the legwarmer box. They are a bit fuzzy, but I really like the colors! They will be great to roam around the house.

I am loving this sunny weather (could do without the winds) but I love seeing things slowly starting to pop up in my gardens. We seem to be a bit later than everyone else. Not even crocuses at my house yet, hopefully this week!


At 10:58 PM, Blogger Prayerful Knitter - Shelly said...

I'm so glad you had a wonderful Easter.

I was certain that the bunny blanket would be a hit.

Congrats on your new Opal. : )

I can barely wait to see the finished dress. It is beautiful!


At 11:00 AM, Blogger Erin said...

Those socks are gorgeous... and the christening gown is beautiful. Nice work!!


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