Thursday, November 30, 2006

Speed knitter or just Obsessive?

Sometimes I do feel like I am speeding through a project. I love big needle projects or making small things... but I think the truth is more that I am obsessive when it comes to knitting. I daydream about rushing home to knit or what I'll watch while I knit... or if my husband makes dinner, then I can get a few more mnutes in... so sad! :)

So my latest obsession was the baby bib, which is done, but I forgot to take a picture and the iris garden socks that are sort of due today by midnight!

I hate to say this, but I almost took a half day of work to give me more time to knit these. But nope, I worked a full day and now I have just a few more hours to finish these babies before tonight's deadline. I am having trouble with the fact that tomorrow will be Dec. 1st! Yikes...

I am loving almost everythign about these socks. They were really easy to do so far. I changed the pattern a bit and I just have one cuff/leg to do and then the afterthought heel. I guess I had better go and pick out something to watch while I try to finish these. Wish me luck!!


At 4:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those socks are fabulous! Good luck on getting them done. I, too, obsess a bit about knitting...I love it! And the planning and starting of a new project, seeing how it comes out, and then a final finished product. Not to mention lucious yarns...I can't imagine why I am addicted.

I can't believe tomorrow is already December! I have been a very neglectful secret pal this month - so sorry! I have a wintery package in the works, though. Enjoy your knitting! - SP9

At 9:10 PM, Blogger Prayerful Knitter - Shelly said...

Your socks are absolutely beautiful!
I do understand obsessive knitting...and enjoy it, too. : )

At 9:50 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

You ARE a speed knitter.

The socks are beautiful. I like the thought of an afterthought heel. That will be a technique for me to try next year.

Wishing you luck on finishing your sock though I know you won't really need it.

At 6:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are Ms. Speedy! The socks look great! They are kind of fun to knit. Did you like doing the heel?

At 5:05 PM, Blogger Kerry said...

They are awesome! I knew I wouldn't have time to start these but I definitely plan to knit them in the future. I've still got to get the time to check out the new pattern we were given today. LOL I can't wait to see it.

At 6:49 AM, Blogger soapy said...

They look great! can't you knit in your sleep?

At 11:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Irish Garden socks are awesome. I think 80% of knitters, if not more, have OCD when it comes to knitting.


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