Ambling along
I haven't gotten on the computer much tha past couple of days even though I wanted too. I have been very busy on my amble socks from the 6soxKAL. I am using the brown KnitPicks yarn that I won a few weeks ago for these socks. I like the color, but I think the pattern would show up better on a softer color. It fits well too!
So far so good don't you think? I am through two pattern repeats on the second sock. I should make it through the heel before bedtime and maybe finish it off tomorrow? Keep your fingers crossed.
My husband and I were getting ready to run errands yesterday when we stopped in our tracks! We looked up in the sky and saw this"
Isn't it amazing! We couldn't see it with our naked eyes, but when we put on the sunglasses. WE stayed and watched the cloud change for about 20 minutes. I grabbed the digital camera and put my sunglasses over the lens to see if it worked, and wow did it! Pretty cool huh?
One last picture that made me laugh. Ms. Ella loves to get into some strange places, and I looked over from the computer a few days ago and saw that she was in this cardboard box. She loves boxes!
The socks look great I'm working on the heel on my first sock!! What a beauitiful picture I would've stopped dead in my tracks too! Love the kitty sooo cute! I find mine in some unusal places too..
Ms. Ella is a beauty. My Topper can stay in boxes for HOURS!
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