I can hardly believe it myself!
In more ways than one! So off we go and I'll explain! I was able to finish up pervious orange socks for lovely husband. And now our kitten is using them as a pillow on top of the dresser! She's a funny one!
He loves them especially the color. They fit great too! (oh and before I forget I found even more sock yarn in my stash hunt this morning! I am in shock! Lovely colors and lots of patterns to try out! ... oh sorry!)
Just as I finished those socks I went to look outside. I always check on the birds to see who is eating or drinking or just visiting. Lo and behold this little guy was in our maple tree..
Kind of fitting for the completion of orange socks! This Northern Oriole came back the next day as well. I have never seen one in Upstate NY, but am looking forward to others.
And one more crazy thing around the house, I actually started the latest 6-sox KAL Blox Sox. I said I wasn't going to do it, but yes I did start them.
I figured I had two skeins that worked well together and needed to be used so I am making both almost at once. This pic was taken yesterday and I am up to the gussett on one of the socks, so before I start the heel, I'll go back and catch up. That way I can make sure I have enough of the dark grey yarn that I realy like to finish and use the varigated for highlights! It is a good plan, but I'll see how far it takes me!
I love the yarn you picked for your Color Blox Sox. The pattern is easy and seemed to go quickly. I bet you'll like making them.
The orange socks are stunning!
We had a gray cat bird in our yard this morning. I'd never seen one. My husband had to look it up. It kind of reminds me of your new socks!
Lovely orange socks...they match the Oriole. I have had many Baltimore Orioles this year. They love the hummingbird nectar.
You're certainly in a sock knitting mood, aren't ya? :) Can't blame you though, I feel the same lately - and how great is it sorting through your stash and finding more, great sock yarn! I love the orange ones for your hubby, the color really rocks, and the new ones you started look similarly cool already! Ain't sock knitting the best? :)
And what a lovely bird, these colors of his are truly amazing!
The orange socks are great. I'm sure that you have made your husband very happy with these!
Northern Orioles are indeed beautiful birds. You might put out some orange halves and some grape jelly in a shallow dish....they love these treats.
Have a great week!
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