I got here before the next weekend!
Today was totally crazy, so I thought I would take a few minutes for myself at home while dinner is cooking to show you some pictures.
These are the peds that I made. I set out to make the 6soxKAL pattern, but I really didn't think it was me, so I made these instead:
Very cute I thought. I had exactly enough yarn from two leftover skeins to complete these! It was pretty close and only 4 yards remain from one of the skeins!
I also cast on for the baby surprise jacket.
I wasn't (and still am not totally clear) that I understand the pattern and how EZ wrote it. I would much prefer a line by line detail of what the pattern is and not knit to here and there. I like instructions. But so far so good. I am on the increases and working my way through the rest.
Jan goals: I had the goal of knitting a mile by the end of Jan. Not sure if I will make it, but it is possible still. I still had 710 yards to use. The peds are each 100, so now I am down to 510 yards. The BSJ is with baby yarn, so I have doubled it for thickness(and to make up some yardage!) If I finish this jacket I should have gone over a mile.
Oh and thanks for the lovely words about my niece, her sweater and hat. She is a cutie with a personality to match! Have a wonderful night!
I didn't care much for the 6soxkal pattern this time around. Love your low socks. Great alternative.
Good luck on your mile of yarn. What a great goal.
I felt the same way about the BSJ, but I just continued to go along and suddenly snap! It clicked and I knew exactly what was going on.
I agree with Sara, you just have to keep plodding along on the BSJ, and alll of a sudden the confusing mass just comes into shape before your eyes. Good luck with it!
You'll love the BSJ when it's done and want to make another. The first one requires a lot of faith.
The peds are very cute. I didn't care for the Six Sox pattern and skipped it all together. I'm getting good at that.
You can knit a mile, you're almost at a kilometer's worth of FO's!
I contemplated knitting the 6soxkal pattern but decided not to because as written, those socks look like they'll slip off my foot in a hurry. I like your slightly taller version, they'll most likely stay up a lot better.
I haven't knit a BSJ yet (though one of my childhood friends just had a baby and I probably should), but I think yours looks good so far. Trust the pattern. If it's worked for other people, it'll work for you.
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