Thursday, January 24, 2008

I got here before the next weekend!

Today was totally crazy, so I thought I would take a few minutes for myself at home while dinner is cooking to show you some pictures.

These are the peds that I made. I set out to make the 6soxKAL pattern, but I really didn't think it was me, so I made these instead:

Very cute I thought. I had exactly enough yarn from two leftover skeins to complete these! It was pretty close and only 4 yards remain from one of the skeins!

I also cast on for the baby surprise jacket.

I wasn't (and still am not totally clear) that I understand the pattern and how EZ wrote it. I would much prefer a line by line detail of what the pattern is and not knit to here and there. I like instructions. But so far so good. I am on the increases and working my way through the rest.

Jan goals: I had the goal of knitting a mile by the end of Jan. Not sure if I will make it, but it is possible still. I still had 710 yards to use. The peds are each 100, so now I am down to 510 yards. The BSJ is with baby yarn, so I have doubled it for thickness(and to make up some yardage!) If I finish this jacket I should have gone over a mile.

Oh and thanks for the lovely words about my niece, her sweater and hat. She is a cutie with a personality to match! Have a wonderful night!


At 8:21 PM, Blogger Diane said...

I didn't care much for the 6soxkal pattern this time around. Love your low socks. Great alternative.

Good luck on your mile of yarn. What a great goal.

At 9:42 PM, Blogger sara said...

I felt the same way about the BSJ, but I just continued to go along and suddenly snap! It clicked and I knew exactly what was going on.

At 11:35 PM, Blogger Briley said...

I agree with Sara, you just have to keep plodding along on the BSJ, and alll of a sudden the confusing mass just comes into shape before your eyes. Good luck with it!

At 8:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You'll love the BSJ when it's done and want to make another. The first one requires a lot of faith.
The peds are very cute. I didn't care for the Six Sox pattern and skipped it all together. I'm getting good at that.

At 1:03 PM, Blogger Batty said...

You can knit a mile, you're almost at a kilometer's worth of FO's!

I contemplated knitting the 6soxkal pattern but decided not to because as written, those socks look like they'll slip off my foot in a hurry. I like your slightly taller version, they'll most likely stay up a lot better.

I haven't knit a BSJ yet (though one of my childhood friends just had a baby and I probably should), but I think yours looks good so far. Trust the pattern. If it's worked for other people, it'll work for you.


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