Friday, March 07, 2008

I made it!

I made to the weekend. I thought March was supposed to be the slow and when is it going to be over kind of month? I guess at school it has been coming in like a lion! There were lots of schedule changes and rearranging plus I started the "adopt-a-book" program to add books to our library... and let's just say, things are wild in the library! I hope next week slows down a bit! Where is that March Lamb anyway?!?? Plus I think my husband gave e his cold! I have been sneezing all day! Let's keep your fingers crossed that it is nothing!

Over this week I have been working on my ampersand socks"
I am closing in on the first toe, so that should be done tonight. I should be able to cast on for the second and even get to work on it tomorrow in the car on the way to the basketball game. Too bad I can't take it inside, then I would have lots of time to work on this one!

I don't know why, but I have been itching to crochet this past week. Not sure what or why, just the need for a hook in my hand. Maybe I will work on a few preemie hats or recorder cases. Who knows. SOmething quick and not too envoled.

I was RAK-ed this week too!
Over at Ravelry there is the RAK group. I was sent some fun leftovers. SOme is so soft, I will use it for the preemie has. The other yarns will be recorder cases. Maybe that is why I have the urge to crochet.

Also in the mail arrived....
Kauni!! I won this beautiful skien of yarn!! Remember I enjoyed everyone to go to see what if knits? I won this lovely skien for donating to our local shelter! I have no idea what to make with this lovely yarn. Maybe a shawl or stole for my MIL. I just don't know! Any ideas?

I haven't made it any farther on the sotsii since the last post. I think I finished clue 3 and clue 8 came out today!~ Just a little backlogged I guess! Off to work on my socks and maybe head over to ravelry.


At 8:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have had a lucky week except maybe for the cold.
The sock is lovely. The Regia silk yarn is so pretty.

At 7:26 PM, Blogger Batty said...

Kauni! I've looked at this post before, and now, I'm back to get another look at the Kauni. I've ogled it online, I'm ogling it on your blog, it's gorgeous.

At 10:58 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

That yarn you won is really pretty. Maybe you can peek around Ravelry to see what others have made with it.

At 11:30 PM, Blogger soapy said...

very pretty yarn!! Love the way it's knitting up with your socks!ltxlsxxj


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