My sweater still sits...
I am still undecided what to do. And lazy too I guess. I want to remember to bring it up stairs and measure it again a sewater I like and see how much bigger it is and that will be the deciding factor. In the mean time I have made another pairs of socks
I doubled up the last of the terrible trekking and whipped up these tiny socks to go to cic. I also finished up my airy fairy doll which I have now decided to mail away as well.
It came out really cute with the tulle skirt.... It will make some little girl very happy.
Then my clerk came in with all of her plastic bags! Not sure what to do I started cutting them up the make plarn and decided on this pattern.
I ended up making two of them. The first one is a nice size, then I made a slighter smaller version. I like the pattern and colors better on the second one. There are still a ton of bags left, but I don't want to work on them now. It is noisey! Maybe this summer I'll try another one for me.... You do use up a great deal of bags though...
Not much else happening this past week. We went to watch the State FInal in Crew Racing which was held near our house. OUr oldest niece who is a senior in HS was rowing so we went to support her and her team. They came in second, but they get a slot at Nationals. Good luck to Fairport! She is off to college in the fall and ready to row for them!
Say my mom ever so breifly on Mother's Day. Just tosay hello and hand out a present. Normally we have brunch or somethin but this year everyone was all over the place.
Stay tuned... I realized that I have four projects that I don't know what to do with...
* Big basin socks in yarn that I love, but I don't feel like finishing,
* Cardigan sweate that was way too big to start with,
* Secret of the stole ii... got sidetracked on the pattern and don't feel like finishing,
* Blue cotton short sleeve t-shirt sweater that is on its way to being too long.
Some I think I have decided what to do with these, others I am being to lazy to do what should be done with them and one I would really like to finish!
It took me a long time to rip the first sweater I ever ripped but once it was done I knew I'd made the right decision. Good luck.
The socks and doll are so nice. They'll make someone very happy.
That plastic bag tote is a great idea. Thanks for the link.
I've got the last 2 clues to finish on my sotsii and I just can't seem to get to it. Maybe we can finish it together?
When it needs ripping, it needs ripping. I'm still not as comfortable with it as some knitters seem to be, but on the whole, I've always been glad I did it.
That little doll is adorable! The tulle skirt is a nice touch.
Great blog I enjoyed reeading
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