Monday, July 07, 2008

Trying for days!

Yes, I have been trying to get on the computer and blog for days now! No real excuse accept, well, we have been watching the Tour de France and that's all that really seems to take place once the race starts in July. I will try to be better about it! In fact I took pictures the other day and never got around to loading them into the account! Yikes! Plus Husband came home from up north and well, I never get done what i want to while he is in the house, so today he is off doing some errands and making contacts to work this week and next. I home he has a plan for the rest of the summer, we can't have that much together time without going crazy. Well I can't. I love summer and one of the reasons is because I get some alone time! Don't you love your alone time?

I have been working on this recycled sari yarn shawl for my MIL
Her birthday is in October and I felt the need to make something for her. I had a different pattern picked out, but I really wanted to use this colorful silk sari yarn for her project. SO far so good. It is a real simple thing. I put it aside to work on socks, but I will get back to it shortly.

july7Socks are moving right along. This was yesterday, so I am down past the gusset now. Hopefully I can finish these up in the next day or so. I should go pop in a movie and knit. When I need time off from knitting I have been working on my crazy recorder case project. My plan was to crochet 2 a day for the kids at school. I don't know if I have done that the last few days, but right now my total is 5 for June and 11 for July. We'll see what really gets done this summer.

When I don't want to craft, then I read or garden. Yesterday was a lot cooler, so I gardened and weeded the veggies. I still have peas and asparagus coming up with the beginnings of tomatoes, peppers and squashes. Haven't really read another too exciting. Bookclub was last Thursday. We read "Food of Love" by Anthony Capella. Read this one if you love authentic Italian food. Last night I flew through "Zen and the art of knitting" by Bernadette Murphy. Interesting and fast read. Things to think about as you read this one.


At 5:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The shawl is beautiful. I bet your MIL loves it.
The socks are great too.

At 5:57 PM, Blogger Dara @ Not In Jersey said...

I am planning to use sari silk for a head wrap (aka mini shawl!). I hope I can pull it off. your mil must be a good one!
-dara00 from ravelry

At 1:20 PM, Blogger Lacey said...

Props to you for sticking it out with Sari silk in a shawl. I frogged mine 3 times and gave up.

Those socks are beautiful! What yarn is that?

Good luck for the alone time. :D

-venutian_beauty from ravelry


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