Friday, December 12, 2008

If I am here, it must be a snowday!

That's right! We had an ice storm actually, but it is snowing now! Great right, ice first then snow... but hey, I am still in my pj's and don't have to go any where for a while. In fact I just finished the UAS --


I was really worried I wouldn't finish this since I could only knit it when my husband wasn't home. Very excited it is complete!! Now to wrap it up with a few other things including a pair of short socks --
Now I have completed 4 pairs of wool socks for him. I know he will enjoy them all. In fact he was complaining this morning that he went through all of his wool socks this week already. SO these new pairs will be very well received!

Last Sunday I read in our local paper about a few charities that need different things. Two of which I can do. One is looking for children's books, so I dug through a few places and will pop those in the mail this next week. Another was looking for hats and mittens for kids. SO I pulled out a few odds and ends and whipped up a few hats --
I pulled out a box and plan to make and stuff the box with as many as possible before next week. I also pulled out a few skeins of wool to make some mittens to go with them. Hopefully they will be well-received too.

On the agenda for today is a Christmas movie or two, some hat knitting, and a little baking since I only have one more week of school before the vacation. I wanted to make a few goodies for a few co-workers as thanks.


At 12:15 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

LOVE your uncle argyle scarf. i'm knitting one too, sort of. i started it in july just because i was fascinated by the whole double knitting thing. got the first repeat done and quit. but i will pick it up after the holidays because it is so. damn. cool. and warm. well you know what i mean. you can see it on flickr if you want:


At 1:57 PM, Blogger Kerry said...

Lucky duck! I was hoping for a snow day today but didn't get one.

The scarf is amazing! One of these days I'm going to scrounge up some patience and knit one. :-)

At 8:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The scarf is beautiful!! So are the hats.
Lucky you getting a snow day and having extra knitting time.

At 8:22 PM, Blogger Batty said...

Wow, look at you! All that knitting! And you're so lucky, I wish we had snow days. I want one too.

At 9:19 AM, Blogger Diane said...

Isn't it a perfect plan ... you knit socks and get them addicted to wearing yummy hand knit warm socks. And then they appreciate every pair you knit for them after.

I love the scarf. Beautiful job.


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