Saturday, November 15, 2008

Cloudy Day

The weather is super warm, but very cloudy this week. Husband is away this weekend so I am hoping to get lots done... maybe (keep your fingers crossed) get his argyle scarf done! Big plans for it. I have several movies on tap so I can sit and knit today and tomorrow. I have about 11 of the 23 repeats done. Half way home right?

I was able to finish the scrap socks..
Flash on camera makes these very dramatic, but they blend really well together in person. That online yarn is crazy! I got almost two full pairs of socks out of it! I have a few more in the stash, who knows how many will come from those! I laid out some bags and put sock yarn from the stash on them to have myself a sock knitting year - 2009. I just want to plan out what patterns for each skein and then I have 12 bags at the ready for the next year. Who knows if this will encourage me more, or just depress me having all those projects ready to knit.

Since it has been raining, at lunch I started the "turn a square hat" by Jarod Flood. So far so good. I am right at the decreases now, so I should have a finished hat this weekend.

Well I am off to do a few errands and walk the pup! That'll make him happy!


At 9:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sounds like you're going to have a fun and busy weekend.
The socks are very cute.

At 7:44 AM, Blogger Diane said...

The online yarn goes forever! Good luck on your sneaky knitting over the weekend.


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