Sunday, March 15, 2009


I really have no good excuse for my absences except that time really flew! I had a small cold and our local college basketball team finals were last weekend... See no real good excuse, but I was thinking of you all!

There has been knitting though!
This cute little guy is a raccoon scarf made from the latest knitting magazine. Can't remember which one that the moment, but It is linked over a ravelry. Other than him that I made for my Intern who left last Friday to go do another internship at a HS... I have been knitting my grey socks. I am on the toe of the second one, so those will be finished tonight. I haven't gotten very far on my Feb. Ladies Sweater. I am ready to start the lace pattern, but don't want to start it if I am going to be interrupted. So I may wait until Tuesday to pick that up again. Tonight I am hoping to cast on for another baby sweater for a shower coming up in April.

I really haven't been doing anything really exciting unless you count my little obsession of couponing... Sadly with today's economy I too am feeling a pinch or two. So I have been searching the blogs and finding out some interesting tips and tricks to this new "sport". It does take time to line things up but I seem to be in a new schedule of places to shop on certain days. Plus AC Moore has been giving out 50% off coupons the last couple of weeks. I have gotten a few things. I will post my new scores soon.

Thanks for checking in. I hope to be back to regular knitting and posting once again!


At 8:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The raccoon scarf is so cute! I just love the tail.
Did you know that AC Moore has coupons online that you can print?
There are some good ideas for shopping at CVS here: I wish I had more time to do these deals.


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