Sending off my vests
I have finished one last vest for CIC and am planning to run through the raindrops to the post office today. I just used all the leftover pieces from the last few vests to make this one in order to stuff the box fuller...
I finished it after school yesterday and cast on my 6SoxKAL mosiac socks last night. I didn't get too far, just the ribbing and 4 rows of the pattern. So there isn't much to show you. Soon, but not yet. I choose some leftover black yarn (from my go team socks that say coffe and tea on them from 6SoxKAL) and a varigated skein that doesn't have a partner. We'll see how it is turning out.
My SP6 also surprised me with a wonderful gift certificate to yesterday! I have never shopped online there, so I am very excited to take a look around! I have no idea what to get, so I may have to look around for a while! Thank you again SP! That was very nice and very generous of you!
I have been getting some reading done over the past month or so, but not as much as the summertime. Luckily this is a 3 day weekend for me so I will get time to read my bookclub book from star to finish before our meeting on Wed. We choose Mrs. Kimble. I did just finish The Eyre Affair which was good and The Three Junes which I did not like very much. Next will be Empire Falls, then who really knows!
Another cute vest! I can't wait to see your mosiac socks. Mine are giving me fits.
I love the new vest. Check out the sock yarn at Elann. I have made several pairs with their brand. They have a new solid line too. The socks are nice and soft when washed. My sister wears her pair every week . She washes and throws them in the dryer. They look as good as the day I gave them to her.
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