Thursday, October 13, 2005

A sneak peak..

I have been busily working on my 6SoxKAL. So here a a small sneak peek picture of my mosiac socks.

I like the pattern. It works up fairly quick, but I seemed to have read my pattern backwards for what I wanted to have in the end. I wanted the colors to be where the black squares are. But I wasn't paying attention and this is what came out.. Very cool in their own right, but I may have to go back and make a second pair the way I want them.


At 8:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your socks look great!! I did the same thing with my first attempt. Attempt number three is nearly what I wanted. I wanted a row of cream knit and then a row of purple before beginning the pattern. I may do another at some pair at some point too.

At 9:10 AM, Blogger Maureen said...

I like the look of your mosaic socks. Still raining here too. I think it was a week yesterday. I need a dose of sunshine :(


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