Saturday, December 16, 2006

Getting back into the swing

Thankfully, I am feeling a lot better today than earlier in the week. With the holiday crunch upon me, I am not getting to catch up and read many blogs lately. I was hoping to get to a few today, but I need to get back in the kitchen. I have made a few different candies this morning and took a break for lunch. I should get back to a little baking. Of course I do have tomorrow too. I always make this huge list of treats to make eat holiday. And each year I always make too many and say, next year I won't make so much. Then the list gets longer or I want to try a few different recipes. I love baking and making different candies. Since I really only do the candy thing once a year, I always go a little overboard. This morning was almond butter toffee and peanut brittle. I also want to get a few doughes made and in the frig to chill so I can do a cookie a night over the next couple of days. This afternoon I want to get a batch of cranberry walnut biscotti in the oven and make some homemade chocolate caramel peanut cups and some peanut butter fudge.

I haven't been reading any books either! My husband has been getting up early with me and he talks, so I can't read and tune him out, so I have been getting some knitting done in the morning. I love waking up early and sitting with a book and a cup of coffee. Maybe after the holiday I'll get back in the swing of things.

Here are two pairs of wool mittens for Dec's CIC challege for Mittens for Akkol. They are in an evenlope and I hope to mail it to the PO next week. Plus I finished up a fair isle hat for my husband for Christmas. Those are the colors he likes. I should have added more orange (his favorite!) I just have to block it since I tied up all the ends this morning (well not tied exactly, but got rid of... oh you know what I mean!)

I also whipped up a pair of kid socks in wool again for CIC with the latest pattern from the 6SoxKAL fgroup - chain link. They were fast and turned out cute. I figured I could make a few to send and play around with some colors to see how I wanted to use color for a pair of my own.


At 4:26 PM, Blogger Kat said...

I used to subject my family to the Christmas baking frenzy. Every one got trays of treats that catered to their preferences. My grandparents loved it, my mom did not approve of people consuming that many calories, and my sister thought that it was cheating to be cheap. oh well.

At 9:12 PM, Blogger Maureen said...

I just love the "Fake fairisle" hat pattern. Your mittens are great. I appreciate you make me mittens for my tree. I can't wait to see them. I will take a picture of the tree before I take everything to the shelter.

At 6:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everything looks wonderful!
I've been busy in the kitchen too. Christmas is a good excuse to try new sweets. We always end up with way too many too.

At 2:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very, very cute hat.


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