Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Ah... the heat of summer.

Can't all it a heat wave as of yet, but yesterday was around 95 degrees and today is inching closer. Hopefully we will get those thunderstorms they are talking about... we really need the rain here. It has been a while since we had any! Our lawn never turns brown this early in the season, but it is pretty crispy right now! Tomorrow is only supposed to be in the high 80's so no heatwave really if that happens.

I have gotten a lot done over the last several days. I did most of what was on my list from the last posts. Here is some proof:

Evidence that the toe is closed and the Victorian Lace sox are DONE! They fit really well and I do love the color! Over the past two days I have been working on different things for the CIC Project this month. The items will go to SD to A Native American Reservation... so I have been working on hats and mittens. My husband rolled his eyes yesterday when he asked what I was working on and I said mittens. He retorted with... you are the only woman I know making mittens in this 90 degree heat.... I thought, I am not the only woman I know knitting for this worthy cause, but maybe it isn't 90 plus degrees where they live!

I finished my latest book yesterday all 661 pages of it. Thankfully it is summer and I can devote many hours to the things I enjoy and not have to worry about moving a muscle! Ran to the library this morning to pick up a few more gems for the next few weeks.


At 6:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your socks are lovely. I'll cast mine on as soon as I can wind the yarn. It's so hot and sticky here I know I'll tangle it.
You are the best charity knitter I've even seen. I'm sure everything you knit is greatly appreciated.

At 9:03 AM, Blogger Diane said...

Your victorian lace look great. I love the color. Your charity projects look wonderful too. Cute hubby. Mine doesn't say anything anymore no matter what I knit. Wool socks when it's 90? Oh well, it'll be below freezing before you know it.

At 10:54 AM, Blogger Carrie Penny said...

Oh, I love your socks, I can't wait to start mine, I have one other pair I want to make first... It took me forever on the horcrux, but my mom loved them!

At 12:12 PM, Blogger Kat said...

Mittens are actually a great project when it is disgustingly hot because they are small and don't cover your lap making you more warm.

At 2:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your VLaces. Beautiful colour. Which yarn? In two weeks it's my 6 weeks summer vacation too, and then I'll cast them on.

At 8:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Victorian lace socks look beautiful. Very nice color. Summertime is the perfect time to knit small projects, i.e. mittens and socks, that way you don't have a big pile of wool in your lap. The mister just doesn't know what he's talking about!

At 6:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your Victorian lace socks look so gorgeous! What a great pattern this is - you know what a sucker for lace I am, and this is one particularly great one! Beautiful color too!
Fingers crossed that it's gotten a bit cooler over there by now, it's just so hard to knit when it's so hot outside ;(


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