Sunday, August 19, 2007

Clue #1 and lazy days

This week has been very uneventful and slow. I really spent most of last week trying to start and finish a book for bookclub on Tuesday. Not a bad book, but I didn't want to start reading it. As summer comes to a close I think I tend to drag my feet on anything, books, projects, back to school shopping, etc... I get nervous about starting again and drag my feet on everything. I got the letter from the principal yesterday. We have added several sections of various grades for next year. We are in a little population boom I guess... Now I have 5 sections of Kindergartens and I do love them by the end of the year, the first month just wears me out with them! Send me lots of positive thoughts and energy as I will need it with a couple of classes of the incoming K's.

My secret pal sent a clue with her first mailing... so I set out to figure out her identity. This is the first time I have actually tried to do this, so it should be a very interesting round.

Here's what I have figured out so far... the name of her blog starts with one of these four letters...P, M, B, or C. I have looked through the b's and don't think she is one of those. I am reading lots of interesting blogs though!

On the knitting front I am dragging my feet on starting the latest 6SoxKAL pattern - the gansey sock. I think it is beautiful, but don't want to wrap my brain around it just yet I guess. So I have been stash using (between pages of my latest book) and whipped up a small baby sweater and two crocheted hats that have been put in the box for South Dakota and the Native American Reservation.

Well that's about all from here. We are supposed to go out with my mom and sister, BIL and niece to celebrate my birthday (yes from last week) but it may have to wait another week since my mom thinks the restaurant is closed. Hmmm. Any way I am baby sitting for little Ellie Monday and Tuesday. We are house/dogsitting for my FIL tonight through Tuesday so it should be a busy couple of days. Lots like I am putting off those gansey socks for a few more days.


At 10:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know just what you mean about dragging your feet on everything. This summer seemed to go faster than all the others that came before it.
I'll keep good thoughts for you as school starts again.
The sweater and hats are lovely. South Dakota is so cold. I'm sure they'll be appreciated.
The clue idea that your secret pal sent you is so fun. I wonder if you'll figure out who she/he is?
I started the I Love Gansey socks and they are fun once you get a few rows done. I kept forgetting the first two purls and had to tink back at least 4 times. I like that the pattern has both charts and the pattern written out. I like the written out pattern best for when you use more than one at a time.

At 12:46 PM, Blogger Batty said...

Can't help you with the clue, but I know how you feel about the gansey socks. I don't want to start it before I finish my Jaywalkers, which I don't want to knit until I'm done with The Project That Goes On and On. And I'm sleepy all the time. Maybe we all need a nap till September?

At 4:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's sad to see summer come to an end and children return to school. I always loved having my kids home for the summer.

The sweater and hats are adorable.

At 11:48 PM, Blogger Diane said...

Good luck with your blog detective work. So many great blogs out there with oh so many super talented people.

At 8:40 AM, Blogger kasiaiscarly said...

I am searching for my spoiler, too :) She hasn't given me any clues, I'm just a total snoop! Where was your postmark on the package from? My first guess would be that BC is for British Columbia. . . .


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