Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Amazing stuff

1. My husband ordered me the new Kooks cd which arrived today while he is away. I just off the phone with him and popped the cd into the computer to add it to itunes. It is really good and bouncy! My favorite song is track 9 = Naive. I guess it goes partly with my personality :)

2. Since I have started crocheting recorder cases. I have completed 70 of them. Yes that is seventy = 7 - 0. That was during the month of September.

3. I haven't spent as much time at Ravelry as I thought I would. I have things there, but I rarely get on even once a week. Getting to the blog and reading others is very hard being back at school.

4. I got a postcard for these fabulous kits at Louet. I think the blue/grey is my favorite of the colors. The problem: they cost $50.

5. I have placed two different orders for yarns. One for sock yarns and the second from Knitpicks for some decadence.


At 8:24 PM, Blogger Diane said...

That's a little pricey for sock yarn although I must say it is really pretty.

You go with your recorder cover making self! 70 in a month? You always amaze me!

At 7:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

70!! WOW! Amazing.
The sock kits are nice but that is well beyond my per pair sock budget.


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