You've convinced me!
I wasn't sure, but with all the comments, I had to keep going on the pink bolero and see what the finished piece looked like.
Not bad over all. It is kinda cute. Not sure I am really crazy about all the little pieces flying around, but the yarn s so very soft. Plus it is bubblegum pink! I made a size medium so she could grow into it. I really liked the finishing edge. I had never knit a picot edge before. I have crocheted one, but this was so easy too!
Beside hemming and hawing over this sweater, I made a trip to the farmer's market. I have lots of things going in my yard, but they have lots of blueberries! I love fresh picked berries I made blueberry pancakes, froze a few and even turned on the oven for these:
They were so good! I went back today and bought more. I have been snacking on them all afternoon! Yum!
Oh and I won a contest too. Some lovely sock yarn arrived in the mail...
This is from I made a blog comment and won this lovely skein of hand-dyed yarn! I really need to cast on for some socks soon!
The bolero is so cute!!
The blueberries this year are excellent. I've been buying them every week and no one is tired of them yet.
The yarn you won is lovely. It will make beautiful socks.
I was having trouble posting the other day so I'm glad to see you finished the bolero. It's jut frilly enough for a little girl.
Love your prize yarn.
Oh, I know to a grown up the novelty yarns aren't always the most attractive, but to a 4yo they are going to seem so glamorous! She'll love it.
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